Monday, January 19, 2009

The Rice Planter...

I'm looking for the unexpected. I'm looking for things I've never seen before.
~Robert Mapplethorpe

This photo was taken on the afternoon of 13 August 2005, on the island of Bali in Indonesia. We were just coming down from visiting a Hindu Temple on the side of one of the Island's two volcanoes when the driver quickly rounded us up and into the van.

A storm was brewing above the volcano's peaks and it appeared he was in a rush to get down off the mountain side before the rains began. The road was narrow and treacherous, winding back and forth the entire way down, and our driver was driving far too fast for the road conditions. All of us sat wide-eyed and white-knuckled in the back of the van praying we weren't going to hurl off into space and crash down into the steamy jungle below.

On two wheels, we screeched around one curve when, through the side window, I caught a fleeting glimpse of the rice paddy below. Faint with fear and more terrified then I ever remember being, I yelled at the driver to stop. I explained to him that I wanted to take a photo of the vista just off to our left. Since there was no place to pull off the side of the road, he told me I had only 30 seconds to shoot as there were cars coming quickly behind us. I jumped out and shot 3 quick photos before climbing back in the van.
This is one of them.

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